Alliant Credit Union Foundation

Become a Digital Advocate. If you feel as strongly as we do that the information, opportunities and community we enjoy digitally every day should be available to everyone, you can help us close that gap. For only a $5 non-tax-deductible donation, become a digital inclusion advocate and:

  • Stay up-to-date about our latest Efforts putting digital inclusion into action, the partners we’re working with and how you can spread the word to bring more focus and more momentum to this cause.
  • Receive our E-Newsletter of educational articles and updates about the Foundation’s work.
  • Get invited to digital inclusion Events sponsored by the Alliant Foundation and the nonprofits we work with and support.

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Alliant Credit Union Foundation: Working toward digital equity for all

Established in 2008, the Alliant Credit Union Foundation is a not-for-profit charitable foundation with a vision to provide reliable broadband, digital literacy resources and technology equipment for underserved communities including rural, digitally-challenged and under-resourced populations through investments with strategic, charitable partners.

And now we’re growing so we can do even more. By accepting advocates – anyone who wants to support the Foundation and learn more about our mission – we can better spread our message and reach digitally underserved populations through grants. Anyone age 18 and over can join the Foundation for a non-tax-deductible $5 contribution.